Saturday, May 12, 2012

Catching up

Sooooo yesterday we went on a sightseeing tour with our group which included a Buddhist temple, an arts and crafts facility and a shopping arcade. JJ and CC did great! It was so nice to go out and have a change of scenery :) Have especially enjoyed getting to show CC glimpses of a world that I grew up in... She really has done so beautifully here, handled all the differences better than some adults :) have been so grateful for our travel group too, for the support in these new friendships!

JJ is doing so well too - he is like a changed boy, feeling SO much better now (we stopped the amox he was on bc he broke out in a crazy rash while on it but sm still doing antibiotic ear drops)... He LOVES eating!!! only had 3 bowls of oatmeal for breakfast today (after having a bottle in the room 30 min prior!). He is definitely gaining back the weight he lost in his week at the SWI!

Today hubbys sister D (who lives in HK) came up to visit. Was special for CC to get to see her auntie again so soon - they went riding in paddle boats in the park across the street etc. Aunt D came on the perfect day because I had to go do some paperwork for half an hour with our guide (in prep for our CA appt first thing Monday morning, sun 8:30pm CST) - so she babysat :) It was *so* much easier to do the pprwrk without the kids there... Thank you D! So very grateful!

Here are a couple of pics before momma crashes :) babe, the darlie is just for you! ;)

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