Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Drs here, Drs there, drs drs everywhere!

So it feels like we've been at the Drs far too much lately, which is probably because we have! CC had an eye appointment because of some squinting and other vision issues (thankfully no glasses needed yet!). Then EB had follow-up appointments with ENT and Audiology... results stating that she has mild conductive hearing loss in her R ear, buuuuut its not affecting her hearing. Wait, what???? Yep, long story but we're following her ENTs recommendation and NOT getting tubes for her right now but continuing to monitor things. Then JJ had his first bout of sickness since coming home. Poor boy managed to swing it on his birthday :( so he went to the ped and had breathing treatments for his wheezing/respiratory infection :( and then he had to go back 3 days later for more meds (and his 2 yr well check?!?! cept, he wasn't that well so will go back in a month for the shots that we withheld this time)... and since we hadn't been enough EB had her asthma follow-up at the ped, with a change in meds for her... and then JJ had to go back to the ped because his wheezing wasn't getting better (and then had to get a chest x-ray). All that in the last 14 days... barring any complications to JJs wheezing (which is getting better) we will take a break from our drs visits for a good 5 days and then take EB back for another consult on her palate, trying to determine if she does need to have a VPI repair.

Ok, all done whinging about the appointments now :) Am so grateful for health insurance which is paying for all of this, and for sweet ones who are mostly healthy, and for wonderful drs who are good at what they do and really care about my little ones... This really is very unusual for us to have this all going on at once but hopefully we will be done for a while - after this next VPI appt, and then the well check shots, and then another asthma follow up, and then another follow up with the plastic surgeon who repaired JJs palate... you get the picture ;-)

And now a pic of sweet JJ getting his breathing treatment at our peds office because a post isnt complete without pictures right???

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