Ok, so now I can't believe that baby number 2 is 4! The time has gone so
fast... We had planned to have a joint birthday party for the 2 older
girls (b/c of how close together their birthdays are) and they had
chosen The Backyardigans as their theme. The Backyardigans is their fav
TV show right now - has five characters (they have paired up each family
member with a character) who use thier imaginations and go on
adventures in their 'backyard'. So mommy worked hard to try and make
cupcakes that looked like Uniqua and Tasha. Unfortunately it snowed a
whopping 5 inches here, which shut everything down, so we were forced to
cancel their party :( and then EB got sick and had to be hospitalized
(which is an entirely seperate post - probably never coming) Instead are
some pics of the 'home party' that we had with just our fam and our
trip to Chuck E Cheese on CC's actual birthday.
Hope you enjoy!
PS We are set to go to court on March 1st to finalize EB's adoption!!!!! :D
Just a few days old |
Looking so grown up! |
Precious girl |
Birthday bed-head :-) |
Grannie A & GrandDa I came out :-) |
In the backyard- spring is finally coming :-) |